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Monday, July 19, 2010


Name: Shawn
Location: Charlotte
Shoe Size:

That is my collection in the first 2 pics and then the third pic is a bonus pic of my daughter's collection. Real name is Shawn and I am stillhasthedustonem on NT. I have alot of OG basketball kicks and jordans in my collection. As I get older air maxes are growing on me so I am slowly getting rid of the jordans and buying only air maxes. I just love the way they look and my favorite is the AM90.


  1. would like to see you post more in the thread, and keep growing that collection. you're my size though, so watch it! lol, just playin'. decent start, keep at it...

  2. Nice Shawn....Lyons 360's, dope, as I explained in Matts app, just contribute more to the thread, and all should be good.
