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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Name: Marcus/MARKIX

Age: 24

Location: San Antonio, TX

Shoe size: 9.5

My love for air maxes started in late 2005. I had been into sneakers for some time but wasn’t collecting air maxes. Then I noticed one of my friends would wear his HOA infrareds all the time. At that point I started to research various air max models and Colorways. Not until late 2006 did I start purchasing them but at a slow pace. Although my collection is relatively small, I must admit now I am ADDICTED to collecting Air Maxes. My favorite Air max is AM1 Urawa. With that said, I have talked to many of in various ways, and love the camaraderie that you all have. I hope to join the fam! Thanks for looking.


  1. Quote from Shaun (sdubl)

    "Can you stamp Davey, Rico, and Markix on my behalf.



  2. I have to approve my dude Markix. He has got a great AM collection and he is from San Antonio!

  3. The Flint that is Grey says thumbs up!

  4. Approved!!! SAN ANTO WHAT!!!!

  5. Got my approval too. Thumbs up!

  6. Very nice collection going! Keep it up! got my stamp!

  7. Dope collection and always posting


    RL Treyce

  8. Got my stamp! Been posting for a good while now, nice collection and a top fella!

  9. This guy Markix.....deep reds, buffalo iD 90s and bacons. Your stack is on par IMO. Keep posting, stay consistent,and most of all stay AM friendly because we serious about this Shiiite! LOL dont let me catch you being sneaky o.O You got got my "APPROVAL"


  10. Marcus...you're good, welcome sir!!!!!

  11. i meant to stamp this man, but since i found out he is a 9.5 we have to many so nay from me.

    jp of course welcome to the fam!

