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Thursday, March 3, 2011


My name is Dave / NT- davey5737
I live in Virginia
I'm 21
Size 12
My love for AM started when I got my first pair of 90s (all black) for work. After seeing how comfortable they were (server job - on my feet all day), I started buying more and more, and now the majority of my new purchases are for air maxes. I love the classic designs of the 1, 90, and 95, among others. The quality (of older am's) is amazing, and I love the colorways and collaborations. AM's are more of an everyday shoe for me, which adds to their appeal. The only NT thread I actually frequent these days is the TAF thread; I love seeing others who have as much appreciation for the AM brand as I do - pickups, wears, info on new stuff, and just general discussion in there is always good. Favorites of mine include the Atmos Safari AM1 (still on the hunt), Neon AM95, and Infrared Structure Triax 91 (still need the blue toes).
Here is my current AM collection:


  1. Davey, you have a pretty nice collection going on there. You have my vote. Keep contributing on the regular and keep collecting!


  2. Quote from Shaun (sdubl)

    "Can you stamp Davey, Rico, and Markix on my behalf.



  3. From Ray (ILLustRAYt):

    "STAMP" Rico / Markix / Davey on my behalf (word to Es2X!).

  4. Dave been contributing steadily for a long time now. stamped!

